September 20, 2017: One Down, One To Go!

Joseph Mallozzi's Weblog

And then there was one.

Another potential partner dropped out of the running today in our mad dash to save Dark Matter.  In the end it came down to money.  As much as both sides wanted to make it work, it was clear the gap separating us was too wide.  A valiant effort but to no avail.

And so, we switch focus to our final suitor – a delightful wildcard with a creative proposition.  Unfortunately, said proposition comes with its own set of complications, chiefest of which is a timeline that may stretch far past our drop dead date.  And yet, if the pieces come together and all the parties sign off (and that’s a pretty big 

I mean, look the size of it!), then we’d be looking at mini-series that would run, depending on budget, between 4-8 episodes – offering Dark Matter fans some form of closure.


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September 19, 2017: In a Hold-Your-Breath Holding Pattern! Here, have a script!

Joseph Mallozzi's Weblog

I mean, seriously.  I respect the need for due diligence, a desire to do a thorough analysis before making a decision.  But could we pick up the pace here?

As another day comes and goes without word, my writerly mind goes places.  Have they forgetten about us?  Did the individual we were talking to go on vacation and forget to tell anyone?  Is he or she trapped under a fallen refrigerator, hoping against hope that someone will send help, blindly assuming: “I was supposed to get back to them on Friday!  I didn’t, so they’re going to assume something is wrong and send help!”.  How long can someone go without water?  We’re going on five days now!

As we wait, let’s discuss the various options that have been bandied about…

A 26 Episode 2 Season Order

Kind of scary insofar as it would require us to shoot straight through –…

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September 9, 2017: Dark Matter fans Rock the Raza…and twitter!

Joseph Mallozzi's Weblog

In a word: Wow!  Going into last night’s scheduled tweetfest, I was hoping we could double the numbers of the preceding dry-runs that tallied somewhere in the area of 29k-30k tweets.  Well, Dark Matter fans stepped up enmasse and did better.  MUCH better.  We didn’t just double those numbers.  Hell, we didn’t even triple those numbers.  Here were the results when I checked this morning –

Over 124k tweets!  And that number has climbed to over 140k in the last six hours.

We trended for over four hours in the U.S., held at #2 in Canada and L.A., and hit #1 New York!

Joining Dark Matter fans in our #RockTheRaza campaign were influencers from television, music, media, comics, and books.  It was amazing to see so many friends, new and old, throwing their support behind our little show.  So thanks to them, thanks to our incredible cast, and an extra…

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June 11, 2017: A busy week ahead! And more Dark Matter season 3 premiere fallout! — Josephmallozzi’s Weblog

Well, it’s decided! Sort of. I’ve packed away most of my belongings and squirreled them away in the crawlspace. This week, the place gets a top to bottom interior cleaning, an exterior power wash, and then, on Friday, the stagers come in to prepare the place for showing. The house goes on the market this […]

via June 11, 2017: A busy week ahead! And more Dark Matter season 3 premiere fallout! — Josephmallozzi’s Weblog

Stop! Distractions And Judgements Cause You To Fail (reblogged from Rex Sikes’ Daily Inspiration and Gratitude)

“With so much unrest in current affairs it is easy to get caught up. It is downright seductive. It is a major distraction. How much time is lost, spent finding out about, watching, worrying a…

Source: Stop! Distractions And Judgements Cause You To Fail


Aubrie Nixon

Now that I have signed a contract, its safe to announce this amazing news!I signed with an amazing publishing company! Winter Wolf Press! I have become part of the pack, and I am thrilled. Its a small press, and that means that I have an amazing team working closely with me. How cool is that? That means that the books I publish will get the attention they deserve.15622455_10154993119927176_7711799484561995165_n

I did have to pull what was known as Darkness Whispers from the shelves, so if you got a copy, YAY for you! If not, do not fret, the book is being reworked, revised, edited and reborn! It will be released under an different title, and I can’t wait to share it with you. This journey I am taking is going to be very exciting! I am so glad that I get to share it with you all.

In the mean…

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They Call But I Remain.

The Weaver

Sunbeams make a pattern across this page, a pattern of nothingness; somewhere dark, somewhere light but in essence all an illusion. Crows sing their faithful song to the wind but to me they retell only the devouring scene of battle, as if they were waiting to eat my wounded heart. Their shadow sometimes flitters across my face, sometimes I look up to shout at them to go away but I have not the strength. They remain.

Why is it that from darkness light looks so beautiful? And from pain, relief? Maybe this is my destiny, this hollow pit of sadness which I cannot escape, but then I think of these words, these dark letters full of sadness and they taunt me, they challenge me to come out, to escape, to fly. They call but I remain.

Isn’t it absurd to imagine happiness, to hope in despair? But that is only…

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